Who We Are

MenCare Georgia was established in 2014 by UNFPA Georgia and NGO Care Together, and its goal is to increase male involvement for gender equality in Georgia. During this period, the campaign has implemented many initiatives around this idea, including the establishment of Father’s Day, Men Talking to Men Seminars, Papa Schools, Fathers’ Cup and others.

Our Goal

Our Goal
The aim of the campaign is to encourage the involvement of men as non-violent and caring fathers and partners for the health and well-being of families, so that men can better support gender equality and thereby strengthen society.
Fathers’ Group
In 2020, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and quarantine, we saw that many fathers needed a safe space where they could ask questions and get competent answers.
To answer this call, we decided to create the first Fathers’ Group on Facebook in Georgia. Thousands of expecting and already experienced dads have joined the group, where, on daily basis, they ask various questions about raising a child and taking care of the family, share their useful advice with each other and are motivated to support other dads.
Fathers’ Group
In 2020, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and quarantine, we saw that many fathers needed a safe space where they could ask questions and get competent answers.
To answer this call, we decided to create the first Fathers’ Group on Facebook in Georgia. Thousands of expecting and already experienced dads have joined the group, where, on daily basis, they ask various questions about raising a child and taking care of the family, share their useful advice with each other and are motivated to support other dads.
Father Stories
Our Partners