About Us
MenCare Georgia was established in 2014 by UNFPA Georgia and NGO Care Together, and its goal is to increase male involvement for gender equality in Georgia.
In 2014, the study Men and Gender Relations in Georgia was published for the first time in country, which showed that gender roles in Georgia are unequally distributed. According to the results of the research, there is a perception of stereotypical “male” and “female work in the society.
That’s why we decided to create a campaign that aims to promote men’s involvement, positive parenting, elimination of violence and equal distribution of roles in families
Activities and initiatives
Since 2014, the campaign has implemented a number of events and initiatives, including:
- Father’s Day
- Papa school
- Men Talking to Men
- Father’s Cup
- Fathers’ Group on Facebook
- Publications for children and families
- TV program
- Awareness Raising Campaigns
- etc.
In 2018, MenCare Georgia won the Emerging Europe award and was named Europe’s Equality-Friendly Initiative of the Year, and in 2022 the campaign officially became a member of the MenCare Global and MenEngage networks, which unite organizations working on gender equality in 50 countries around the world.
MenCare Georgia is implemented by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Georgia Country Office and NGO Care Together, with financial support of the European Union and the Government of Sweden.
The views published on the webpage are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the organizations and institutions listed above.
The website was launched with financial support of the Government of Sweden.